UniSolo Yoast Post
- Projecr Overview:
I developed a plugin that allows you to display single posts (including both default and custom posts) on the frontend with three different design options. You can select these designs from the backend.
- Key Features of the Show Posts List Plugin:
Versatile Post Display:
The plugin provides two submenus in the Uinque single post menu. You can choose a post from one submenu, and you won’t be able to select the same post in the other submenu. Once a post is selected, you can choose a design, and its options will appear for you to customize what will be shown on the frontend.
Three Customizable Designs:
You can choose from three design options and set colors for the title, content, hover, and post info from the backend. The plugin also allows you to add a sidebar and set its position (left or right). Additionally, you can show widgets at the bottom of the post instead of in the sidebar.
Theme Options Integration:
The plugin automatically generates widgets based on your design selection. For example, if you choose Design 1, it creates widgets for the Design 1 Main Menu and Design 1 Sidebar. If you switch to Design 2, the Design 2 widgets will show, and the Design 1 widgets will be hidden.
Widget Functionality:
The plugin enhances WordPress widgets by allowing them to fetch data from custom posts like categories, tags, and recent posts. You can drag these widgets into your widget sections and choose from three design options for recent posts. It also includes a social share widget, which is not available in default WordPress widgets.
Support for Multiple Post Types:
The plugin works with both default and custom post types, making it versatile for various content needs.
- Developer's Insight:
- Why This Matters: